


 Today Tina is very happy.It's her birthday.Her parents and friends gave her many gifts.Most of them are toys.
Tina's mother said to her,"Listen Tina,now you have a lot of new toys, so you should give your old toys to some other child to play with."
    "No mommy I will not give my toys to anyone, I love them.", said Tina.
    "Look!" said mommy,"There are so many poor children who have got not even a single toy to play with.God will be very pleased with you if you give some of your toys to a child who cannot afford them."
   "Really mommy, is that so?", asked Tina
   "Yes my dear it is.", said mommy.
   "O.k I will give them.", Tina agreed, she was a good girl.Tina's mother knew a poor girl named Misha .Tina went to Misha's house with her mother.She gave the toys to Misha.
 Misha is very happy, Tina is happy too.

       - Aunt Mary

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