
I AM WIND ( Rhyme)


"You cant match me I am wind,
You cant catch me I am wind,
You cant touch me I am wind".

"No desire to stay,
Just wander and play,
You cant touch me I am wind".                     

"You don't even know,
When I come when I go 
You can't touch me I am wind".

"I am movement of air,
I am naughty and clever,
You can't touch me I am wind".

"I am full of guts,
They call me gust,
You can't touch me I am wind".

"Rain,dust and snow,
Let you see how I blow,
You  can't touch me I am wind".

"When I blow so strong,  
People call me storm,
You can't touch me I am wind". 

"When I blow with ease,                              

You call me breeze,
You can't touch me I am wind".

"I could sail your boat,
I can make it float,

You can't touch me I am wind".
                                      - Aunt Mary                      

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  1. This poem brought so sweet and good memories, not that I knew it but I, as a islander, always felt the wind as a caring parent,

    It caresses you, affectionately with a soft breeze if you are good, or it beats you righting any wrong you did. Undoubtedly, it goes with you hand in hand, even if you cannot touch it! :)

    Beautiful post, Auntie!

    1. Yes dear Od Liam you are right the winds are our true councilors. The best part is that there is no flattery in it.It does beat you when you are wrong and praises you if you have done something good like a caring parent indeed!
      Thank you Od Liam you are always very supportive :)

  2. This poem is really awesome. I am practicing poem writing. So i need more poem on your blog. I will back again to see your poem.

    foster care

    1. Thanks a lot Thomas. You are welcome to my blog any time . :)
      If you don't mind I want to give you an advice....Always try to be unique,use your own imagination and develop your own style. It will help you to become a good poet.
      Good Luck!

  3. This is one of my favorite poems I've ever read on Blogger :)

    1. Oh Thank you so much Optimistic! I am really happy that you liked it :)

  4. A very appropriate poem for the past few days where I live, it's blowing a gale.

    Thanks Aunt Mary.

    1. Your welcome dear! I am sending sweet breeze to you through this poem ;)

  5. So.loved this poem and the images that goes with it. You are very talented:)

    1. Thank you very much Joy for your sweet words :)

  6. This is a lovely children's poem and I'm sure kids will enjoy and learn something from it! I love the way you described wind while keeping the rhymes going till the end. Sweet and lovely!

    1. Thanks a lot Zunnur for your kind visit and lovely words. I am glad that you liked my poem. I love rhyming!

  7. This was fun to read, even though I'm an adult. I'm sure the kids would really like to get into a big circle and sing this song with gusto until their hearts content. Great poem Aunt Mary.

    1. thank you so much RPD,and a warm welcome to my blog!!!.I appreciate your kindness

  8. The power of the wind is so great. Nicely written. :)
