

The beautiful sky is an apparent dome over the earth, the shelter of earth, sky is the home for moon , sun , clouds and stars .We see the sky when we look for hope. The gentle, calm and soothing blue colored sky with cottony clouds floating in it, is the sight which fills us with joy and happiness . The blue color of sky symbolizes the" Great Mother queen" of heaven.The depth and vastness of the sky is endless and limitless it inspires us in many ways .
So here are some great quotes about the sky with beautiful pictures just for you.I HOPE YOU LIKE THEM  :) 
The' SKY' is the daily bread of eyes. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
 There is the' SKY' , which is all men's together .-Euripides

 The' SKY' is filled with stars invisible by day- Henry Wadsworth 

 The 'SKY' is a part of creation which nature has done for the sake of a pleasing man.-John Ruskin

 Excuse me while I kiss the' SKY'-Jimi Hendrix 

 Heavy hearts are like heavy clouds in the' SKY' , are best relieved by the letting off a little water .- Christopher Morley

 Go forth under the open ' SKY' and list to nature's teachings .-William C. Bryant

 The' SKY' is an infinite movie to me . I never get tired of looking at what's happening up there. - K.D Lang

The future is in the 'SKIES ' -Mustafa  Kemal

I always believe that' SKY' is the beginning of the limit -MC Hammer
                                                                              Love - Aunt Mary 
  © 2013   


  1. Mary I love these pictures and their accompanying quotes...we really do find hope in the sky don't we?

    1. Hi Optimistic,
      I am happy that you liked the pictures and quotes. :))
      Yes sky really gives us hope! I think that's why they say, 'Sky of Hope'! :)
      Thank you so much for your kind visit, sweet words and read.:)

  2. The Sky... the Sea, the Earth.

    They are the blue brackets that enclose our living which being dotted of happiness and sadness, toss our existence in a rich blend we call LIFE, reposing on the also blue, from afar in the space, that is our home.

    No surprise in finding so many quote (and so many awesome pictures), from men praising the always present dome on our heads!

    Thank you, Auntie!

    1. Dear Od Liam,
      Wow Od! I just loved the way in which you described life!:)
      The Sky as you said is the always present dome on our head which gives us shelter, hope, motivation and pleases us! :)
      It is yet another beautiful creation of nature! :))
      Thanks a lot for kind visit, beautiful words and read! :)

  3. I just love the the bright blue skies!
    Awesome images, Aunt Mary...

    1. Hi Ric,
      Me too! I just love the beautiful sky,looking at it and the wonderful shapes of clouds! :) It's such an eye soothing creation of nature! :))
      I am glad that you liked the images! And thank you so much for your kind visit, sweet words and read! :)

  4. Wonderful skies and quotes Aunt Mary:)

    1. Thank you very much dear Joy! I am so happy that you liked the images and quotes! Thank you! :))
