

Monsoon has already said goodbye,post monsoon season has begun and my favorite "AUTUMN" is knocking at the door. Beautiful season of Autumn with cloudless clear sky and the bright sunshine . When the days  become shorter,and the breeze becomes cooler,the weather is pleasant and perfect,  it is time for leaves to change their color from green to yellow,orange or red and finally  they fall from the tree and they feel sad because they have to get separated from the tree but  feel happy at the same time because this fall will give a new life to the tree . The leaves show their feelings by making a rustling sound .
 This season is also the time for harvesting, festivals and celebration  in many parts of the world which bring happiness and joy for all.So enjoy watching these lovely images related to this beautiful season .
            "Autumn Sings of freedom and new beginnings"  
"Autumn blessings for you ,  Birds are singing for you  "
                              " Fall means more work to do "                                                              
"I am enjoying the gentle breeze of fall with a touch of cold"
"Hear the sound of cracking of laves some one is coming shshsh.....I
think it's "WINTER"

              "Autumn is the season of ripe and juicy fruits "

"It is time for farmers to get the result of hard work "      

"And for the ants this is the right time to collect the food for winter"



  1. I love fall so much - isn't it wonderful? Happy Friday!

    1. Me too, thank you very much, it is a beautiful season :)

  2. Here in the Philippines, we don't have autumn. We only have summer and rainy days but yes I love the changing colors of the leaves, the harvest season and the short bright sunny days!
    I love those images, Aunt Mary!

    1. Oh , I did not knew that , It is really wonderful season . Thank you so much Ric :)

  3. I was enthralled by these pictures, Auntie!

    They show the magic that Fall has on us!

    Thank you!

  4. I love your Autumn post! Cute gifs!

  5. I love fall and this post is so refreshing:))
