
Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals ( Moral Story)

Once upon a time a tribal king who was a very big dealer of birds too, went to jungle in search of birds.There he caught two parrots and some other birds. When he was returning  home, he stopped for taking some rest and lied down under a tree. While the king was resting , one of the two parrots escaped from the net.

The king  got up  and found that one parrot was missing but what he could do now .He took the other birds with him and went home. Tribal king kept the second parrot as a pet in his house . The Tribal king was a kind of person who talked  rudely  and always used harsh words whenever he spoke to others . He also used the bad language and he taught the same way of talking to his parrot. The parrot learnt the language of  king.

The first parrot who escaped , reached to a hermit's place and the hermit kept it with him .The hermit taught him to speak politely and to use good language while speaking.The parrot learnt to speak like that.
   One day a  king of neighboring state passed by near the tribal king's house. The pet parrot of that tribal king  looked him coming and shouted in such a harsh voice " How dare you to come here.... 
come on soldiers , beat him like a donkey." 

The king was shocked to hear that and he immediately left that place.
Now that king reached near the hermit's place and the hermit's parrot greeted him," Oh , It's so nice to have you here sir,please come inside."  
   The king was so happy at his welcome, he praised the hermit and the parrot and became their friend. 

 Moral of the story -'' Bad Company Corrupts Good Moral'' 
                                                 Panchtantra story Re-told by -Aunt Mary 

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  1. Really true, that is why we have to choose whom we are being with. Nice story:)

    1. I am glad that you liked my story!
      Thanks a lot dear Joy!! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, such an amazing story with a great message. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Oh!! Thank you sooo much dear Tracy! :))
      I am so happy that you liked this story! :)

  3. I love the story and the message. I always feel so uplifted after visiting your blog :)

    1. Hi Optmistic,
      I am really glad to know that you liked my story and that you feel good after visiting my blog!! Thank you soo much! :)

  4. Very nice story!
    It is always best to keep good company!

    1. Thanks a lot Ric!
      Yes! "It's better to be alone than n a bad company". :)

  5. Great message hidden in the story...Nice one!!

  6. Thank you so much Eps , glad that u liked the story :)

  7. Thank you very much for the kind visit and words :)

  8. Yes, the company one keeps is of vital importance. You have a lovely site here for children.

    1. Welcome to my blog, thank you so much for your kind and beautiful comment :)

  9. Nice story full of moral.
    There is an old saying somewhat like this, "Tell me who your friend is, I shall tell who you are...!"

    1. Thank's a lot , happy that you liked the story, yes that is really a lovely saying :)

  10. Very true. Nice moral.
    Had a read a story about 2 parrots- one stayed with a robber & another with a sage & both had different upbringing. Good company affects our personality :)

  11. A moral story . it teaches a true meaning of the proverb

    1. Thank you so much Priya ,I am glad that you liked the story .
      Please keep visiting:)

  12. I am Priyanka....your stories are wonderful
