
Nothing is Immortal (Short Story)


The beautiful garden was full of flowers .Flowers in full blossom were a pleasure for eye and soul. The sweet smell of those lovely flowers was a treat for the sense of smell. It was a beautiful day of mid of November . The sun was in a good mood ,he allowed the golden sun rays to spread everywhere. The charming season of winter with such pleasant weather was a delight for all.
A rose in full bloom opened it's eyes and looked around , " Ah! What a lovely morning!"  She again looked around," No one is as beautiful as me ", she thought proudly. "Look at those flowers, there is no comparison. I am the prettiest of all!"  

 Suddenly her eyes caught a glance of a withered flower which was bending down towards the earth and was breathing it's last breath. " Ha ha! Look at you", the young rose said to the dying flower. " How old and ugly you are. You are worthless! Good for nothing! And look at me I'm full of life, beauty and freshness. You are ruining the beauty of this garden. This place is not for you. You should be thrown in a waste bin!"  A weak smile appeared on the wrinkled face of that old dying flower. It was smiling at the innocence of that young rose.

The owners of the garden came to collect the old flowers and leaves and they took away the withered rose with them. They threw the garden garbage in the waste bin. " I was right!", The young rose thought proudly.

Time doesn't stop for anyone. Two days passed, the young proud rose was in the same condition , it was bending down towards the earth and was breathing it's last breath.  A rose in full bloom looked at it and said, " Look at you....................". 
                                                              -Aunt Mary    


  1. There are few things more invigorating for the soul than a field of flowers. All the wonderful things it does to all of our senses :)

    1. Yes Optimstic you are absolutely right! Thanks a lot for your kind visit, wise words and read! :)

  2. Look at me, Auntie!

    Already set for being mulch when time mark it!

    Fortunately, things do not end sadly, but circle around life!

    1. Yes Od! It's just the circle around life! Are you already set, really? That's amazing! :))
      Thank you so much for your kind visit sweet words and read! :)

  3. The lesson: be humble. What we do to others will be done to us.
    Nice story Aunt Mary

    1. Dear Joy ,
      We should truly be humble to others and yes what we do shall return to us one day or the other! I am glad that you liked the story! :)
      Thanks a lot for your kind visit, sweet words and read! :)

  4. Sooner or later, we will be just like the old rose...bending towards the earth and struggling for the last breath. It would be best spending our 'youthful' years with joy , love and appreciation. Very nice reminder, Aunt Mary

    1. Yes! Each word of yours is true! One day we will also reach this stage of our life when we will soon be leaving this inn where we are guests. Since life is very short so we should live like brothers akin and enjoy are stay in this inn by enjoying with our fellow travelers! :)
      Thank you so much for your kind visit, lovely words and read! :)

  5. What comes around goes around. Nice moral of the story. Enjoyed your post, Aunt Mary. :)

    1. Thank you soo much dear Balqis. I am so happy that you liked my story! :))
      Thanks a lot for your kind visit, sweet words and read! :)

  6. Replies
    1. Dear Cattattoo,
      I am glad that you liked my site! :)
      Thanks a lot for your kind visit, sweet words and read! :)

  7. How true Aunt Mary. We’ve all been that young unthinking person, but sadly, age has no respect. I loved this post.

    1. Dear Barbara,
      Oh yes! W all have been that young unthinking person and somewhat innocent because we didn't understand that one day we will also one day be in the same condition as that aged living being! :)
      I am glad that you liked my story! :)
      Thank you sooo much for your kind visit, lovely words and read! :)
