
I FEEL GOOD ( poem )

I feel happy and I feel good, 
I feel lucky and I feel good .

I feel good when granny sings a song,                         
I  love the song and I sing along.        

I feel good when teacher gives me "A",     
And claps for me... hip, hip hurray.....                    

I feel good when my baby sis,                   
Smiles at me and gives me flying kiss.                                                
I Feel good when my dear mommy,
Hugs me and says" my little baby".                                    

I feel happy and I feel good ,
I feel lucky and blessed, touch wood.  
                  -Aunt Mary                                                                                                 




  1. This definitely makes a person feel good to read! Happy Sunday :)

  2. I feel good now, while I am with my Granddad in Gozo (Malta), Zebbug is my home town. small hamlet, bucolic, and quiet.

    I feel good when I write to Auntie, because she write beautiful posts, and then I can share the good moment!

    Thank you, Auntie!!! :))

    1. You are so lucky , I am glad that you are having a good time in your home town with your Grandpa, say my hello to him. You are always so kind to me .Thank you so much Od. It is a pleasure having you on my blog :)

  3. Nice post to start on monday morning:)

    1. I am so glad that you feel like that , thank you so much Joy :)

  4. Yes, it feels good!
    Love the rhyme Aunt Mary :)

  5. Aha! That's so nice. very well written :)
