
Little Butterfly ( Poem)

                                Butterfly butterfly how do you fly?!
                           I have wings, so I can fly.

                          Butterfly  butterfly what do you eat?!

                          Liquid of fruits and nectar I eat.
                           Butterfly  butterfly where is your home?!
                           I live every where,world is my home.  

                          Butterfly,flutterfly who made you ?! 

                          God is great he made me and you.
                                                                       -Aunt Mary


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  1. So beautiful. Makes me think of colors and being free:)

    1. Thank you so much dear Joy! I am really happy that you liked it! :)

  2. site plein de vraie "fraicheur "dont on ne se lasse pas de regarder !

    1. Hi Pilbert,
      Oh am so glad that you liked my site. That is so nice of you! :)
      I hope you keep on enjoying my posts. :)
      Please Keep Visiting! :)

  3. Beauty uses to disguise itself as a butterfly to make us children of life remember that there is a place where everything is wondeful, and it is waiting for us all!

    You painted that beauty in words, Auntie!!

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Od Liam,
      Yes you are absolutely right Od! God made Heaven and Earth for joy. When He made earth he did not leave it barren but poured the red wine of His mirth (which we call nature) in it . He wants us to be merry and enjoy our short life in this world and give up sadness. That's why he has created so many beautiful and colourful things for soothing our eyes! It's just wonderful! :))
      Oh I am glad that you found my poem nice. When God created nature , He took rhyme in it. I just tried to express that rhyme of joy of God in my poem. ;)
      Your welcome Od.
      And Thank you so much! ;)

  4. I LOVE the wing-flapping butterflies in your header! (Or "flutter bys", as they were called in an old movie whose name I can't recall.)

    Love your poem, too. Reminds me of a song I used to teach the Sunday school children years ago.

  5. Dear Susan,
    Oh! Thank you so much! When I saw these butterflies I just couldn't take my eyes off them so I wanted all my friends to cat a glance at them. :)
    The beauty of the real flutter bys as you said captivates and mesmerises me even more! :))
    I am glad soo glad to know that you liked my poem! I would like to hear that song some day if you don't mind! ;)
    Take care. :)
