

One day a king came out from his palace for the morning walk surrounded by his soldiers. A man who was standing outside the palace wanted to meet the king. The king's soldiers took him to the king . The king asked " Why did you want to meet me?''
"O' respected king , you are so lucky for me. I have gambled in your name and I have won a big amount of money, so I bought a chicken for you please accept it, my heart will break if you will not take it." King was flattered by what the man said about him and he accepted the gift ( the chicken ).

After few days after that man again came to the king and said, '' O my king how lucky you are for me , today I have again gambled in your name and I won a very big amount of money , I am so grateful to you and I want to gift you a goat. The king became very happy and he accepted the goat.

The very next day the gambler came crying and said ,"O' king yesterday I gambled in the name of you and I lost my cow. What do I do now? I get my earnings by selling cow's milk.Now my wife and children will die with hunger. Please help me''. 
The King had to behave like a king so he gave the man a cow, but he learned a lesson that never get flattered by any one's sweet talks and never accept a gift from a gambler. 
                         - Indian folktale Retold by Aunt Mary 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes gambling is such a dangerous game , Thank you so much for reading :)

  2. Sound advice, Auntie!

    But surely the king had many cows, so giving just one would not disrupt his life, provided he didn't give the one he preferred. :))

    Thank you for keeping us reading your tales!

    1. But he learned a lesson for life time , thank you so much Od for reading the tale :)

  3. Yes, that's right, Aunt Mary. Never get flattered by sweet talks and especially by a gambler cos gambling has its up and down. A good moral of the story which is a good reminder to us all. I enjoy this post. :)

    1. I am so glad that you liked the story , thank' a lot Balqis :)
