
How Do Animals take care of Their Babies: Interesting Facts


 My dear children and friends,  we all are well aware of the fact that  parents look after and care for their babies. They bring them up with  love and by facing a lot of hardships. The process of bringing up the children takes a a lot of time and efforts. Not only humans but animals too understand their duty towards their kids. 
 There are number of animals  on the planet earth who care for their young ones like the human beings do. They feed them, protect them, teach them how to survive and also groom and  pamper them. 
Specially the animal mothers spend a lot of time taking care of their babies.
Here are some beautiful examples that how the animals take care of their little ones.

  Little baby birds are fed by the mother bird and father bird until     they become able enough to leave their parents' nest.

Male rheas take care of  female's eggs and then look after their babies for a few months. A good dad indeed !                                      


Father red fox provides food for mother red fox when she gives birth to her baby. This duty of daddy fox continues for one month till the time she is ready to hunt again .

Bats look after their young ones by keeping them in one large group which is called a nursery.

A baby elephant is born blind so all the female members of the herd look after the new born baby , these females are called 'allmothers'.

A lioness is  an amazing mother, she  makes all efforts to keep her baby safe , she often carries her cub in her mouth in order to protect it from danger.
These are only few examples of animals who are very good parents for their kids. There are so many others like them in the animal kingdom.
Hope you liked these facts and enjoyed reading them .
                                                                                      -Aunt Mary

I love my mother glitter gif


  1. I have always found it so amazing how animals take care of their little ones. Nature is a beautiful thing :)

    1. Yes nature is amazing, thank you for your kind visit :)

  2. I was always curious why little one of most species are always so cute, or so we seem to think. :)

    It is as if Mother Nature is being doing it on purpose to keep life alive, if I may use this figure of speech.

    Thank you Auntie, your motivating post is great and the pictures are cute!

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful comment Od :)

  3. Cute, interesting and informative ..... in other words a great post.

  4. Beautiful post Aunt Mary, thank you for sharing all the pictures. I loved it!

  5. So touching to see care for the offsprings;)

    1. I am happy that you liked the post , thank you Joy :)

  6. such a lovely parent child bonding :) Like the pictures!!

  7. i imagine my babies are those bear. they are so similar @@. l love bears. tks yr post. so excited !!!
