
'' Man is the cruelest animal''

A Red Indian prince is hunting with  bow and arrow in the jungle

Once a prince went to jungle for hunting. He searched and wanderd all day but couldn't find any animal as his prey. Prince got tired and sat under a tree to take some rest.
While the prince was resting he saw a big tiger coming and the frightened prince climbed up the tree. 
There was a bear sitting on the tree . The prince got scared to see the bear.
The bear said to the prince,'' Please do not get afraid of me, I will not harm you. 
Prince had to believe the bear because there was a tiger under the tree and he could not go down. 

Prince was tired,he fell asleep. The kind hearted bear gave him a support in order to save him from falling down. 

Now the hungry tiger said to the bear,'' If you throw him down I will eat him and will let you go.''

"No I will not throw him down, I gave him my word that I will not hurt him and I have to keep that."
When the prince woke up , bear said to him ,'' O prince, now I need to rest, can I sleep for some time?''
''Yes, you can sleep... I will keep an eye on the tiger. '', said the Prince  to the bear. The bear fell asleep.

Now the tiger took the advantage of the moment and he misled the prince '' If you will throw the bear down I will not hurt you and will let you go from here."

The selfish prince agreed to do so without even thinking that how the bear helped him and kept his promise.

 He tried to push the bear but bear got alert and he saved himself from falling down.
He cursed the prince for his cruel act and said, '' You human beings are not trustworthy you are so cruel and ungrateful.''
 ''We are animals but we are better than you humans.'' 
                                                               (Panchtantra story)                                                                                        Re-told by-Aunt Mary 

Glitter gif image of a cute cute cub and a lamb
You may also like the Panchtantra story


  1. Important lesson here Mary. I like this. We can learn a lot from animals...

  2. Yes, sometimes animals.are better than human..
    have a nice day Mary:)

    1. Thank you Joy for reading the post , have a great day :)

  3. Dont know what happened to my comment;)
    Anyway, sometimes animals are better than humans...
    have a nice day Mary:)

  4. Replies
    1. Yes it is a sad truth, thank you very much Roberto for your kind visit :)

  5. There is a great deal of truth in that Aunt Mary - I wish it were not so.

  6. Thanks for another great story beautifully told.

    1. Thank's a lot Tracy , I am so happy that you liked the story :)

  7. Very nice post, Man is the cruelest animal. No doubt "Man is the cruelest animal" :)

  8. You are right, Auntie!

    Since Human Beings lost their innocence we learned to be harmful to us and to others, animals can be harmful, but at difference of them:

    We KNOW what we DO!! And DO it anyway!

    Thank you, for these important lessons of life, Auntie!!

    1. I agree with you , we do things knowingly , thank's a lot Od for your kind support :)

  9. If human beings have the love, respect and care for each other, then life would be more beautiful and meaningful. Thank you for sharing this story, Aunt Mary.

  10. You are right, we can make our world a beautiful place to live by understanding each other , thank you so much :)
