Santa writing
Every one is eagerly waiting for Santa to come and spread the happiness all over the world.Kids are excited ,they want to see Santa and they want to get their share of happiness from him. 
So dear children, Santa is favorite of all of you and you love him so much . Am I right? This kind looking ,old,big, cheerful man who has white hair and white beard and wears a red dress and is supposed to bring gifts for kids  is also known as father Christmas or Saint Nicholas. It is believed that Santa lives in north pole with his wife and some elves who make toys for the good kids of the world. Santa has a reindeer to pull his sledge.
People  believe that Santa makes a list every year, which contains the names of good and bad children and it is said that he gives the gifts to well-behaved and  good kids and coal to the naughty children on the Christmas eve . It is also believed that he enters in the house of good children through the chimneys of fireplace.
"'Saint Nicholas"' inspired the legend of Santa Claus. Saint Nicholas lived in 4th century AD who used to give the gifts ,secretly to needy people and children. People left their shoes out for him and he put coins in the shoes. Isn't it amazing?

Now here are some beautiful Christmas cards and lovely images of Santa for you.....                        

Christmas cards

                                      Santa greets Mrs. Santa

Santa is entering into a home through chimney
Santa is entering into the good child's home!

Santa is sitting near fireplace
No one is around ,it is a good chance for Santa for sitting near the fireplace!

Santa with his list
So, here  is Santa's famous list !

Santa with children
Oh! the children have seen  Santa !

Santa with a bear
Santa likes the decoration !

Santa with a dog
Here is Santa's gift for the doggy ,it seems that he is a good dog!

Santa with lots of teddy bears

Oh! Lots of Teddy Bears!

Some more gifts to distribute !

                                       Santa with reindeer                                       Hope you enjoyed watching these Christmas cards and pictures of Santa. So what about making some beautiful Christmas cards for your family and friends using these pictures.
'Have a wonderful Christmas 
                                                     -Aunt Mary

    Dancing Santa


  1. Hello, Auntie!

    Beautiful explanation about Santa, and a lovely poem from Clement Clarke Moore.

    As a different way of celebrating Santa, in the Southern Hemisphere, Santa will not stand his red winter costume, temperatures around the tropíc and down towards the central continents are near 38° Celsius.

    Sometimes we can see Santa, in a bathsuit but depicting his known red cap. He is ready to cope with any situation around the globe. :)

    1. Hello , Od,! thank you, glad that you liked the post,
      Thank you for the info too :)

  2. Lovely post , enjoyed reading , images are beautiful :)

  3. Nice reading the Santa story. Yes, he is everywhere during Christmas; )

  4. Nice reminder of St. Nicholas Aunt Mary!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
