" No water , no life. No blue , no green ."
                                                                             -Sylvia Earle
Yes, that's right. Everything,everyone in fact the whole world cannot survive without water. Plants need water , animals need water,  human beings need water to live and survive. Water is the most important resource of nature that is required to ensure our survival. Life can not exist without water.

We need water every day and every time. From drinking to cooking food from bathing to cleaning we use water all the time. Water is also essential for agriculture , for running industries and for transportation.
An average person can stay alive for many days without food but without water it is impossible to live for more than one or two days. 
About 75% of planet earth is water and that is the reason of existence of life on earth. If there will be no water on earth it will become a dead planet like mars which has no life.
As the population of world is increasing the usage of water is increasing too day by day . Because of growing population and pollution  people of almost every part of the world are facing the problem of clean water shortage.Conservation of fresh and clean water is one of the biggest needs of today. We must have to protect and save water if we want to save life on the earth.
We can contribute to conserve the clean water by making some small efforts. These small efforts made by us can save lots of water.  
  Here are some easy water saving tips by which we can save water   at our  homes -
              1. Keep the tap closed while you brush your teeth,by 
                  doing this we can save 6 liters of water every minute.                                                        

                    2. If you find a dripping tap in your home immediately fix                      it, it will help to save 15 liters of water a day.
         3. Always use a watering pot instead of water pipe for 
             watering the plants a water pipe uses 540 liters of water                    per hour. 
        4. Plug the sink or get a tub to wash dishes in so you don't                     need to let the water run.
         5. Turn off the tap when you are scrubbing your face                             while washing the face.
       6. We can save many liters of water by taking shorter shower.
A young house wife is washing the clothes in washing machine

     7. Wash only full loads in the washing machine,washing small             loads needs double amount of water.                                 

       8. You can wipe your glass widows with a wet cloth rather than             washing it .       
       9. We can use the rinse water from the washing machine for                 mopping the floor.
    10. Wash the vegetables and meat in a container instead by                     using running water.
         You can do our bit to save water by following these water                  saving tips. So save water to save life.
         You may also like the poem We Must Save Water


  1. I love that you posted this Aunt Mary. There is so much wasting of water isn't there!? I know people who leave the faucet running the entire time they brush their teeth! Happy Friday!!

    1. Yes, we should use water carefully.. thank's dreamer :)

  2. Thanks for the tips:)
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. How important water is in our life. We all should use it wisely. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Yes Balqis you are right , thank you very much :)

  4. There are some really good water saving ideas there Aunt Mary. I’ve never thought of turning of the tap as I brush my teeth, but I will now.

    1. Thank you so much Barbara for your so kind words :)

  5. Very nice water saving tips :)

  6. Great tips! I'll give some of these a try, for sure.

    1. Welcome to my blog Stephanie, nice to have you here ,I am happy that you liked the post :)

  7. Thanks for such an ecologically sound post.

    1. I am glad that you liked the post dear, thank's a lot :)

  8. Beautifully described, Auntie!

    This is a great way to make the world aware of this important resource we must cherish and care.

    Thank you, you always are teaching good things to all of us!

    1. Thank you so very much for being so kind to me , I am just a small blogger how can I teach any one , I am just sharing my thoughts Od Liam :)

  9. Saving water isn't as hard as we think! Great Tips :)

    1. Welcome to my blog Minakshi, thank's a lot for your kind words :)

  10. Can i use the information on your blog ( this article, the poem on water etc) on youtube and other areas to spread awareness on water conservation? The information is very helpful and very much correct.

  11. very good tips for saving water

  12. yess indeed we should save water...great tips hope it the world gets to know :)

  13. so nice tips u have given aunt mary
