My dear children, have you seen the little beautiful brown-grey bird named 'SPARROW'.It is very sad that sparrows are dying because of environmental changes,lack of food,cutting down of trees and increased use of pesticides and fertilizers.
We can save this amazing native bird by following these easy steps- 

 1)We can provide sparrows homes by simply hanging a shoe box on our terrace or in our balcony.You can drill a hole in it about 4 centimeter in diameter so that sparrows can make their nest in the box.

 2)In summer plenty of sparrows die because of lack of water.We can put some water in a bowl and should fill it with fresh water every day.
3)Birds also need water for bathing so you can keep some water for that purpose also.

  4)Keep some broken rice in an open space for birds to feed.
      Kindly don't feed sparrow stale food.

We can save many sparrows if we follow these small, easy steps. We can prevent our little native bird from vanishing by doing this noble cause.
Sparrows have the habit to return to the same place each time they feel the need for food,water and shelter. They will come back to fulfill their needs, they will come back to the place where someone cares for them.
                                     Happy Sparrow day 

                                                        -Aunt Mary
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Little Sparrow Says ( Poem)     

"Naughty little boy in the neighborhood" ( Rhyme)

My neighbor's little boy,   
the naughty little guy.
he shouts all day,
in such a weird way.                              

He sings so loud,

and feels very proud.   
the news is sad,
he sings so bad.

He plucks all the flowers,

sprinkles them on cars.
he dances on the road,
and jumps like a toad.'                                     

He crushes cola can,

acts like superman.
he rings door bells,
"I didn't do!"....tells.                                              

It's not all his fault,

his parents should have taught.
not to be like that,
to their little brat.
            - Aunt Mary 

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Excess Of Everything Is Bad - Short Story

Today Sunny's mother baked a cake. She is very good at making cakes and this one is Sunny's favorite. It has lot of dry fruits like walnut, almonds and cashew nuts. Sunny loves to eat this cake. Mommy gave him a big piece of cake to eat. He enjoyed it and then asked for more. Mommy gave him another piece  and said, "This is enough for now, you can eat more after the dinner because this is too heavy so you should not eat too much at a time". She put the cake in the refrigerator. 
" Sunny, I am going to neighbor's house, will be back in half an hour. Close the door.", said Mommy. " O.k. Mommy, bye!", Sunny said. Mommy went and Sunny started watching T.V. but he wasn't enjoying it. He was just thinking about the delicious cake Mommy made. He could not resist eating more of it himself. He went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, took out the cake and started eating eagerly. He ate more than half of it and when he got tired of eating, put it back into the fridge. 

Mommy came back, Sunny did not show that he had eaten so much cake. After sometime his stomach started aching badly. He started crying, Mommy asked him, " What happened Sunny? Why are you crying?". " My stomach is aching Mommy, I ate too much cake. Please do something!" , said Sunny. " Oh my God! Sunny I told you that the cake is too heavy to digest  but you did not listen to me", Mommy said. Sunny was continuously crying, holding his stomach. Poor Mommy got so worried and immediately called her family doctor. Sunny's condition was getting worse.

 At last doctor came, and treated Sunny, he was also given an injection. Sunny hated injections but what could he do now? 
Doctor warned him not to eat too much again! Sunny promised to do so because he had seen the result of over eating. 
                                                                        -Aunt Mary 



My dear children, today I am going to tell you about the animal which can run faster than any other animal in the world. This is the fastest animal on the earth , the Cheetah! Some of you must be familiar to this name. 
Cheetah is the fastest land animal. It can cover the distance of 500 meters with the running speed of 112 km/hr to 120 km/hr in 5 minutes. You will be surprised to hear that cheetah can accelerate its speed from 0 to 100 km/hr in just 5 seconds. Cheetah is mostly found in Africa and some places of Middle-East. Isn't that an amazing animal?
 I hope you Like the article!
                - With Love Aunt Mary

                                                                             Aunt Mary


Plant a tree to save the world,
Plant a tree to save the earth!

Tree provides the shelter and food,

Cleans up the air and makes it good.

Tree saves us from hot sun rays,
Cools up the ground and cools up the ways.
                                                                                                          Trees bring clouds and trees bring rain,
Let them flourish on our land.
Tree adds beauty to our place,
With its goodness and its grace!
Come dear children, where have you been?
Plant a tree and just go green!

                                          - Aunt Mary

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