Bobby is very very upset today.His little baby sister's favorite doll is missing . She is crying for the doll.Mommy and Bobby searched for the doll here and there but could not find it .Bobby loves his sister
"Look Mommy!", Bobby cried, "There's the doll!". Jojo held the doll in his mouth. "Oh! Now I know", Mommy said to Bobby. "Yesterday when I was sowing seeds in the garden, baby was with me. You know babies have a habit to copy their elders, so she would have put the doll in this hole and would have covered it with soil. Dogs have a very good smelling power, they can search the things by smelling. So Jojo found the doll".
"Jojo, you are a very good boy", Bobby pat on his back. "I am proud of you!", Mommy said to Jojo. She cleaned up the doll , changed it's clothes and gave it to the baby. Baby immediately stopped crying and became so happy to find her doll back.

"All is well , that ends well."
- Aunt Mary