Showing posts with label article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label article. Show all posts


Dear children, Peacock or peafowl is one of the most beautiful birds on our earth. Peacocks are mainly found in India. Peacocks are of many different colors like blue, black, green and the rarely found, white peacock! Peacock is the national bird of India. They are known and admired for their beauty and elegance in the whole world. 

Besides India, they are also found in Australia and many other parts of the world. The male is called peacock and they have long colorful feathers with eye like marks on them. It can expand and spread its feathers like a fan. The feathers on it's head are called crest feathers.The female is called peahen, their feathers are short and brown colored. Peacocks are famous for their dance during rainy season when they spreads their tail feathers and dance. Their expanded feathers look very beautiful and their dance is just amazing.Rainy season fills them with joy. 
Peacocks are omnivorous animals. They eat flowers, grass, vegetables, cracked corn and wheat as well as small snakes, lizards and insects. They are very popular in zoo and parks. Peacocks can fly also! 
                                            -Aunt Mary


My dear children, have you seen the little beautiful brown-grey bird named 'SPARROW'.It is very sad that sparrows are dying because of environmental changes,lack of food,cutting down of trees and increased use of pesticides and fertilizers.
We can save this amazing native bird by following these easy steps- 

 1)We can provide sparrows homes by simply hanging a shoe box on our terrace or in our balcony.You can drill a hole in it about 4 centimeter in diameter so that sparrows can make their nest in the box.

 2)In summer plenty of sparrows die because of lack of water.We can put some water in a bowl and should fill it with fresh water every day.
3)Birds also need water for bathing so you can keep some water for that purpose also.

  4)Keep some broken rice in an open space for birds to feed.
      Kindly don't feed sparrow stale food.

We can save many sparrows if we follow these small, easy steps. We can prevent our little native bird from vanishing by doing this noble cause.
Sparrows have the habit to return to the same place each time they feel the need for food,water and shelter. They will come back to fulfill their needs, they will come back to the place where someone cares for them.
                                     Happy Sparrow day 

                                                        -Aunt Mary
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Little Sparrow Says ( Poem)     



My dear children, today I am going to tell you about the animal which can run faster than any other animal in the world. This is the fastest animal on the earth , the Cheetah! Some of you must be familiar to this name. 
Cheetah is the fastest land animal. It can cover the distance of 500 meters with the running speed of 112 km/hr to 120 km/hr in 5 minutes. You will be surprised to hear that cheetah can accelerate its speed from 0 to 100 km/hr in just 5 seconds. Cheetah is mostly found in Africa and some places of Middle-East. Isn't that an amazing animal?
 I hope you Like the article!
                - With Love Aunt Mary

                                                                             Aunt Mary


Dear Children, do you know which is the highest waterfall in the world? It's Angel Falls!
Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world with a height of 979 meters ( 3212 feet ). It flows off the mountain called Auyantepui  in Canaima National Park in Venezuela, a country in the continent South America. It is also one of the UNESCO World heritage sites.
The base of this amazing waterfall flows into the Kerrep river which flows into Churun River. The water falls from so far that the water becomes mist on reaching the bottom. 

Do you know from where did the Angel Falls get its name? It is named after Jimmy Angels a pilot of an airplane, that crashed at the top of the falls in 1937. Angel Falls is a very famous tourist attraction of Venenzuela.
 Hope you liked the article.
                                          -Aunt Mary 



My dear children, do you know which is the smallest bird in the world? Well, the answer is that Bee Humming Bird is the smallest bird in the world. It is so small in size, just a bit larger than an insect, that is why it has been given the name Bee Humming Bird. This bird is found in the forest of Cuba. It weighs only 1.6 gram to 2 gram. It is about 5-6 cm long. The male is smaller than female. 

Bee humming bird  flies so fast! The speed of flying is 15 m/sec. It can flap its wings 80 times per second. It is the only bird in the world which can fly backwards also! Is not the beautiful and colorful Bee Humming bird an amazing bird? What do you think?                                                                                             -Aunt Mary

The Most Beautiful Flower Of The World

 My dear children, today I am going to tell you about the most beautiful flower of the world, rose. Rose is a kind of shrub . Shrubs are small plants. Rose is found in many parts of the world like North America, Europe, Oceania and in some parts of Asia and Africa.Roses have a very sweet smell and are used for making soaps, oils, perfumes.
These lovely flowers are found in many colors like red, yellow, pink, white, green, orange, blue and even black! Roses were very dear to the Roman Goddess of love, Venus. They are used across the world as symbols of love, sympathy and sorrow.         There are about 100 different species of rose. 
                          "A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever."
                                                               -  Aunt Mary




My dear children, today I want to tell you something about camel. Camel is basically a desert animal. Deserts are the driest places on the earth where the days are extremely hot and nights are freezing. Desert is a place with no water and is one of the harshest habitats on earth.
Camels have adapted well to the desert environment. They can live without water for several months. There is a pouch in their stomach to store water. When they are very thirsty they use this water. 

The thick furry skin of a camel protects it from the burning rays of the sun. There are humps on the back of the camels. These humps store fat for the times when there is shortage of food. It can keep its nostrils closed to keep out sand. The camel's wide feet stops it from sinking in the soft sand. It runs so fast on the sandy land of desert that's why it is also called the ship of the desert.

                                                        -Aunt Mary

Common Torpedo (The Fish Which Gives Electric Shock)

  Dear children, you all are familiar with fishes. Fishes live in rivers, lakes, ponds and seas. Nature has made the fish in such a way that they are perfectly suited to their underwater life.There are many kind of fishes such as goldfish, dart fish, puffer fish, sharks, bony fish, catfish and a lot of other fishes.
One of these fishes is Common Torpedo. It is found in Mediterranean sea and Atlantic ocean.This fish is about  24 inches long. It has five blue spots on its back. It's tale is short and thick. When an enemy attacks it, the common torpedo fish gives a strong electric shock to defend itself.It also uses the shock to attack it's prey. The shock given by common torpedo is to 200 volts. Torpedo eats bony fishes.A device is also named after torpedo.  
 Hope this short  article about common torpedo will increase your general knowledge.

Biggest Flower of The World - Rafflesia

      "Rafflesia is the largest flower in the world.It is also known as  corpse flower,these flowers are 3 feet in diameter that means by  width and length they are very large.    
Rafflesia was first found in the Rain forest of Indonesia by an Indonesian guide. Apart from Indonesia it is also found in Thailand,Philippines and some other places of Southern Asia.It is the biggest single flower on the Earth, the strange thing about this flower is that it smells like dead animal or any rotten object that's why flies are attracted to it,it has no stem ,no leaves or true roots. Rafflesia is the official State flower of Indonesia.

I hope you like this article and it will help to increase your General Knowledge.
            -  Aunt Mary



My dear children, you see the moon in sky almost every night. All of us like to watch the moon and enjoy the lovely moonlight. The moon is a ball of rocks that goes around the earth. You know? Moon is our nearest neighbor in space. One thing amazing about moon is that it doesn't have its own light, it is lit up by the sun as it goes around the sun. Moon is actually very large in size but it is too far from the Earth so it looks very small.

 If you go to the moon,you feel 6 times lighter than you feel on the Earth so it is possible for you to jump 6 times higher on the moon than on the Earth.The moon has rocks and dust on its surface.
You see the moon in different shapes because you can see only that part of the moon that is reflecting the light of the sun,we cannot see the part of the moon where the light of the Sun doesn't reach.There is no wind or rain on the moon.The first person to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong.
Hope you liked the article
                                     - Aunt Mary            



Hello my dear children, you all have seen me.I am a 'TREE.' A tree is a man's best friend.It gives you food.Don't you like eating ripe and delicious fruits like mangoes,bananas,apples,oranges and a lot of other  wonderful fruits?As you know these fruits grow on trees,which fruit do you like the most?
A tree also gives you shelter.See ,when you play outside and feel tired you sit under a tree and feel very relaxed isn't it? Now look at the door of your room it is made up of wood. From where did this wood come?Yes! My dear friend it is taken from a tree.When you breathe you take in air. A tree helps to clean the air so with the help of a tree clean air goes into your body.It makes your surroundings look beautiful. Do you like a tree with green leaves and beautiful flowers?Yes! Of course you would, so dear children plant more trees and live a healthy and beautiful life.
   "Plant a tree to save the world ,
    Plant a tree to save the earth." 
                                                - Aunt Mary