" Do not worry sir, I am only visible to you, any other person would not be able to see me ", the Jinn answered. " O.k then you can come with me ". Bobby was too happy that he had a Jinn as a helper now . He took the Jinn home . After having his evening snacks he went to his room with the Jinn and said to him, " Mr. Jinn can you help me to clean my wardrobe ?". "Yes why not sir?", Jinn answered. And the untidy and messy wardrobe became so clean and tidy within few minutes .

Now it was time to do the home work . Bobby had to solve ten very difficult sums . He asked Mr. Jinn, "Can you help me with my home work ?". " Of course , I will! " , Mr. Jinn said with a lovely smile on his face." Tell me in which subject you want me to help you ?", Jinn asked. "Well you have to help me to solve few sums in Maths" , Bobby said and turned back to open his bag . He took out his note book and looked for Jinn but he was not there .
Mr. Jinn !
Mr Jinn where are you ?
There was no sign of Mr. Jinn . "Ah ! Maths !! Even a Jinn is afraid of Maths!!" , a very disappointed Bobby started doing the sums . -Aunt Mary