My dear children, today I want to tell you something about camel. Camel is basically a desert animal. Deserts are the driest places on the earth where the days are extremely hot and nights are freezing. Desert is a place with no water and is one of the harshest habitats on earth.
Camels have adapted well to the desert environment. They can live without water for several months. There is a pouch in their stomach to store water. When they are very thirsty they use this water. 

The thick furry skin of a camel protects it from the burning rays of the sun. There are humps on the back of the camels. These humps store fat for the times when there is shortage of food. It can keep its nostrils closed to keep out sand. The camel's wide feet stops it from sinking in the soft sand. It runs so fast on the sandy land of desert that's why it is also called the ship of the desert.

                                                        -Aunt Mary

"A Dream Came True"

It was Saturday night Lisa came back home late with her parents from a birthday party,she was so tired,she went straight to her room and soon fell asleep and got lost in the world of dreams.
 She was in a strange but wonderful place,little beautiful fairies were swinging on the fruitful branches of trees .Cute faced dwarfs who wore funny colorful clothes and fur caps were singing,glow worms were shining,flowers were lovely and filled with dainty scents.All among the fairies the most beautiful fairy was mother fairy who dressed in white her wings were golden,she had a silver wand in her hands.There was a kind lovely smile on her face,her soft face was glowing.She said to Lisa in her melodious voice,"Oh little girl,welcome to the fairy land,do you have any wish?"Lisa said,"Yes mother fairy". Mother fairy said,"Tell me your wish my child, I will fulfill it".  
Lisa said,"I want a new pink dress with frills on it and white shiny shoes and a white matching hairband with stars on it". "O.k. Dear as you wish", Mother fairy said with a lovely smile.
"Lisa.....Lisa come on get up dear its already nine"
Lisa slowly opened her eyes and got up, "Oh my God I was
dreaming",she was still feeling sleepy.Her mother was standing in front of her,there was a gift pack in her hands."Here is a surprise for you my child",mother said."What surprise?..Lisa asked."Come on open up the gift",mother said.She opened the gift pack and what did she see ?There was a lovely pink dress with frills on it,shiny white shoes and a beautiful white hair band.She hugged mummy and said,"OH ! MOMMY YOU ARE MY MOTHER FAIRY".
                                                                                       - Aunt Mary




When you look at sky in the night,
You will find stars are bright.

Some are different from the others,
Some are similar like twin brothers.

 Number of stars are looking so small,
Few of them are bigger than all.

Some looking shy and some looking bold,
New are shiny dim are old.

They all make a wonderful sight 
When you look at sky in the night.

-With love Aunt Mary

  © 2013    



This Granny is in party mood. Today is her grandson's birthday!

Grandma still loves to drive her vintage car!
This granny is relaxing. She is so tired.

Poor granny is crying because she baked a cake and it is burnt!

 Grandma is angry because some naughty child plucked flowers from her garden! 

This granny loves to play video games!

" Oh my child, God bless you!"
Grandma is really happy.




Common Torpedo (The Fish Which Gives Electric Shock)

  Dear children, you all are familiar with fishes. Fishes live in rivers, lakes, ponds and seas. Nature has made the fish in such a way that they are perfectly suited to their underwater life.There are many kind of fishes such as goldfish, dart fish, puffer fish, sharks, bony fish, catfish and a lot of other fishes.
One of these fishes is Common Torpedo. It is found in Mediterranean sea and Atlantic ocean.This fish is about  24 inches long. It has five blue spots on its back. It's tale is short and thick. When an enemy attacks it, the common torpedo fish gives a strong electric shock to defend itself.It also uses the shock to attack it's prey. The shock given by common torpedo is to 200 volts. Torpedo eats bony fishes.A device is also named after torpedo.  
 Hope this short  article about common torpedo will increase your general knowledge.

Little Girl At The Zoo (Rhyme)

Little Miss Drew,
went to the zoo.
with dear dad,
and mommy too.
She saw a lion,
with big canine.
What did he eat?
loaf of meat!
Very big snake,
real or fake?
Looked so weird,
little Drew feared!
Monkey was swinging,
birds were singing.
She loved the song,
and sang along.
Beautiful deer,
furry tailed hare.
Deer was glazing,
hare was grazing.
Girl told dad,
what fun she had.
She loved the zoo,
little Miss Drew.
                    - Aunt Mary

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