This Granny is in party mood. Today is her grandson's birthday!

Grandma still loves to drive her vintage car!
This granny is relaxing. She is so tired.

Poor granny is crying because she baked a cake and it is burnt!

 Grandma is angry because some naughty child plucked flowers from her garden! 

This granny loves to play video games!

" Oh my child, God bless you!"
Grandma is really happy.




Common Torpedo (The Fish Which Gives Electric Shock)

  Dear children, you all are familiar with fishes. Fishes live in rivers, lakes, ponds and seas. Nature has made the fish in such a way that they are perfectly suited to their underwater life.There are many kind of fishes such as goldfish, dart fish, puffer fish, sharks, bony fish, catfish and a lot of other fishes.
One of these fishes is Common Torpedo. It is found in Mediterranean sea and Atlantic ocean.This fish is about  24 inches long. It has five blue spots on its back. It's tale is short and thick. When an enemy attacks it, the common torpedo fish gives a strong electric shock to defend itself.It also uses the shock to attack it's prey. The shock given by common torpedo is to 200 volts. Torpedo eats bony fishes.A device is also named after torpedo.  
 Hope this short  article about common torpedo will increase your general knowledge.

Little Girl At The Zoo (Rhyme)

Little Miss Drew,
went to the zoo.
with dear dad,
and mommy too.
She saw a lion,
with big canine.
What did he eat?
loaf of meat!
Very big snake,
real or fake?
Looked so weird,
little Drew feared!
Monkey was swinging,
birds were singing.
She loved the song,
and sang along.
Beautiful deer,
furry tailed hare.
Deer was glazing,
hare was grazing.
Girl told dad,
what fun she had.
She loved the zoo,
little Miss Drew.
                    - Aunt Mary

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THE MISER MAN ( Moral Story)

Dear children, this is the story of a miser man .Once upon a time there was a man who was very wealthy and rich . He had a lot of money and a treasure of gold coins, ornaments  and precious stones .But he was a very miser man he always wanted to spend  very less money ,even the money which he gave to his wife to run the house was not even sufficient to fulfill the basic needs of the family.
       Though he was very rich but his wife and children  were living a life of poverty. He had a maid servant who he never paid on time and used to give her a very small salary .The maid was loyal towards the rich man's wife and children so she did not quit the job .One day the man thought maybe someone could steal his treasure so he went to the back yard and buried the treasure box under a tree.By chance a thief saw him doing so.When the man went back, the thief came and stole the treasure .Next morning the rich man went there and saw that his treasure had been stolen.He started crying loudly.A hermit saw him crying and asked him the reason.The man told him that someone had stolen his treasure box.The Hermit said,"Tell me the whole story,why did you bury the treasure? Don't hide anything from me,so that I can help you".The man told him everything.Meanwhile rich man's wife, his children and the maid came there. Hermit was a very learned man,and after listening what the rich man said and seeing the condition of his family members he immediately understood what the real matter was . He said to the man,"You are nothing but just a greedy and miser person .God almighty made you a rich and wealthy man but you did not share your wealth even with your family and the other person who serves you and helps you.You do not give them what they deserve being the family of a rich man like you. You have lost your treasure but that is a lesson for you, if you understand. Give your family members  their rights, and not just your family, share your money  and wealth with the people who deserve your help, the poor, the needy, the sick people.By the grace of God you will earn a lot of money if you continue  doing this good deed throughout your life ."
 After saying that, the hermit went from there.  The miser man apologized to his  family and maid servant, he was a completely changed man now .He took them to the market and bought a lot of gifts for them ,he also distributed the gifts among poor people around there.He decided that he will always remain the same in his upcoming life.His wife and children were the happiest people on the earth.
                                                                   Aunt Mary           

Biggest Flower of The World - Rafflesia

      "Rafflesia is the largest flower in the world.It is also known as  corpse flower,these flowers are 3 feet in diameter that means by  width and length they are very large.    
Rafflesia was first found in the Rain forest of Indonesia by an Indonesian guide. Apart from Indonesia it is also found in Thailand,Philippines and some other places of Southern Asia.It is the biggest single flower on the Earth, the strange thing about this flower is that it smells like dead animal or any rotten object that's why flies are attracted to it,it has no stem ,no leaves or true roots. Rafflesia is the official State flower of Indonesia.

I hope you like this article and it will help to increase your General Knowledge.
            -  Aunt Mary